Grateful to have received the Bassam Z. Shakhashiri Public Science Engagement Award!
Thanks WID for featuring me in the posts on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

- Thank you to the OSPO for featuring me in the “Faces of Open Source” section!
Thank you for the invitation to join FLi Sci Allies. FLi SCi is national nonprofit serving first-generation/low-income (FLi) students interested in pursuing careers in science (Sci).
Very grateful to be included in the Atlas of Inspiring Hispanic/Latinx scientists!
Thanks Ben for inviting me to participate as a scientist in the Sci-prov event at the WI Science Festival!

- Great event at the public library in Arcadia, WI (place with 60% latinx students). Thanks to Carol Daul-Elhindi for organizing!

- Thank you to the Madison Chapter of Graduate Women in Science (GWIS-Beta Chapter) for featuring me in the Faculty Spotlight
We are so excited to feature our faculty spotlight Dr. Claudia Solis Lemus @solislemuslab ! Her research expertise involves statistical phylogenetics, genomics, and microbiology. Full interview:
— GWIS Madison Chapter (@GWIS_UWMadison) January 31, 2024
Previous highlights (drop down):
- Our movie will be screened in Union South and in the Central Library. See website here

- First time in the Kew Botanical Gardens! Thanks to George Tiley for organizing the cool workshop on phylogenetic networks
First day of workshop with George Tiley, Tomas Flouri and Ziheng Yang. Crucial to be able to see Tomas in the big screen as he presents 😅 @kewgardens
— Claudia Solís-Lemus (@solislemuslab) November 8, 2023
- Great time participating in the Crossroads of Ideas: Comparing the Creative Process in Science and Art as part of the WI Science Festival and the WI Book Festival in 2023

We will be hosting the “Celebrating Latinx voices in STEM” symposium on Thursday Oct 5 and Friday Oct 6. More info about the event in the website:
Very excited that the SNaQ paper (Solis-Lemus and Ane, 2016) is in the top 10% most cited papers in PLoS Genetics in 2022!

Very grateful for the invitation to Uncontrolled Variables, comedy+science show at The Bur Oak organized by Diya Basrai.
First time in Botany conference: great response for the workshop and symposium on phylogenetic networks.
#Botany2023 Dinner with the phylogenetic networks folks: George Tiley, Lauren Frankel @_laufran, Kevin Kong @ssik08, Huw Ogilvie, Mark Kessler, Kevin Liu (plus Brock Mashburn)
— Claudia Solís-Lemus (@solislemuslab) July 26, 2023
- Loving the Evolution 2023 meeting!
#BreakingBad statistical practices with Hailey Louw, Kevin Kong @ssik08 and Xudong Tang @harry_txd 💪#Evol2023 @Evol_mtg @systbiol
— Claudia Solís-Lemus (@solislemuslab) June 24, 2023
Excited for the very first “Technical to Beautiful: Data as Art” exhibition! website
Thank you to the Data Science Hub for featuring me in the “Faces of Data Science” edition. See here for the article.
Claudia Solís-Lemus collaborates with life sciences researchers, developing mathematical models to help them understand relationships and interactions among species. Read her story in Faces of Data Science. @solislemuslab @uwmadisoncals @widiscovery
— datascience@uw (@datascience_uw) June 1, 2023
Do you identify as Latinx in Data Science? We are excited to launch the #LatinxInDataSci database: Please add yourself! Also, conference organizers can use this database to include a more diverse representation of speakers.
Gracias Ricardo por la invitacion para hablar de mi trayectoria en ciencia:
Hoy tuvimos la visita de la súper genial @solislemuslab Les alumnes súper pilas con las redes filogenéticas pero además no las condiciones para les latines haciendo ciencia en EEUU se pierdan el video por #SisteMatrix!!!
— Ricardo (@rgarciasandoval) May 3, 2023
- Very excited to have reached 1000 citations on Google Scholar!

- Thankful for the advertisement on El Zoominario:
El Zoominario is an online seminar series that highlights Latinx speakers and their science. The program, co-created by plant pathology's Claudia Solís-Lemus, is designed for the general public and aims to inspire young scientists.
— UW-Madison CALS (@UWMadisonCALS) February 22, 2023
Excited to join the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) editorial team!
A lot of fun in the Collaboration Matching experiment at the WID Research Bazaar 2023! Thanks to Sarah Stevens, Chris Endemann and Michael Ferris (in the photo below):

Thanks for the invitation to speak at a Girls Who Code event!
Great article about El Zoominario, posted in Genomics & Technology Spring 2023. Thanks!
- Launching the #LatinxInStat database!!!
Launching the #LatinxInStat #LatinxInDataSci database @AmstatNews @WIDiscovery @WomenInStat 🪅
— Claudia Solís-Lemus (@solislemuslab) October 11, 2022
Latinx in stat/DS/ML, please add yourself to the database:
All, please use this db for a more diverse representation of speakers when organizing conferences😊
- Launching the @latinxinstem TikTok account to promote Latinx scientists and to promote El Zoominario:
@latinxinstem Visibility of #LatinxInSTEM #elzoominario ♬ Surfin' U.S.A. - The Beach Boys
- I write to inform all that George Tiley and I resigned to the position of editor of the Frontiers Rising Stars in Reticulate Evolution special edition.
In Jan, I was excited to invite people to the Frontiers Rising Stars ⭐️ special edition on reticulate evolution that I was co-editing with George Tiley (no twitter).
— Claudia Solís-Lemus (@solislemuslab) April 6, 2022
Unfortunately, George and I grew tired of some bizarre editorial practices in Frontiers. 1/3
- Incredibly grateful to receive an NSF CAREER award!
Incredibly grateful that my NSF CAREER "Towards Scalable and Robust Inference of Phylogenetic Networks" will be funded 🥳🎉. New positions available in the lab soon! #newPI
— Claudia Solís-Lemus (@solislemuslab) January 25, 2022
Thanks for the WID news on my NSF CAREER award!
Thanks to Frontiers for asking me to co-edit this special edition on Rising Stars in Phylogenetics, Phylogenomics, and Systematics: Reticulate Patterns and Processes of Molecular Evolution with George Tiley. People who are ECRs and work on phylogenetic networks should consider participating!
- Thanks to @mujeres.haciendo.ciencia for inviting me to publish about me and about my work. Very honored!
Thanks to Nadya from WORT radio program “En Nuestro Patio” for interviewing me about my efforts in science communication and diversity in STEM. People can listen to the recording in the “Audio Archives” of Tuesday November 16th, 2021 7pm CT here
Thanks to PBS Meet the Lab for featuring the Solis-Lemus lab as Data Decoders
Thanks to Delta Beer Lab for hosting my talk at the WI Science Festival. Details of the talk here
Thanks @WomenInStat for inviting me to curate the twitter account the week of Sept 13-17, 2021
This week, our #RoCur is @solislemuslab of @uwmadison! #WSDS #Statistics #DataScience
— Women in Statistics and Data Science (@WomenInStat) September 13, 2021
Claudia is an Assistant Professor whose research deals with modern #bigdata which is highly interconnected through graphical structures.
As Latinx in Stat, I want to focus today on Latinx visibility and amplifying Latinx voices. Excited to introduce #LatinxInStat #LatinxInDataSci 🎉🎉🎉
— Women in Statistics and Data Science (@WomenInStat) September 13, 2021
Please introduce yourself 👋 and tag others. Feel free to reply in any language.
I'll start 👇
What I ❤️ about #JuliaLang: It is fast, fast, fast!
— Women in Statistics and Data Science (@WomenInStat) September 14, 2021
And so easy to create readable and efficient code.
Julia users, let's share the love and @JuliaLanguage resources for Data Science for the community!
I'll start 👇
I am crazily obsessed with #reproducibility and good computing/datasci practices.
— Women in Statistics and Data Science (@WomenInStat) September 15, 2021
Who is with me? 👋
Today, let's all share resources on how to be more reproducible!
I'll start 🧵👇
Day 1: #LatinxInStat #LatinxInDataSci visibility ✔️
— Women in Statistics and Data Science (@WomenInStat) September 16, 2021
Day 2: #JuliaLang for DataSci ✔️
Day 3: #Reproducibility and best computing practices ✔️
Today, which person are you?
a. I love graphical abstracts
b. I hate graphical abstracts
c. What are graphical abstracts?
Today is complaint day!
— Women in Statistics and Data Science (@WomenInStat) September 17, 2021
As interdisciplinary stat, I get rejected a lot: "not real stat" for stat journals; "too math-y" for domain journals.
Anyone else has also felt in between? 👋
Let's share stories or strategies in the world of interdisciplinary stat!
I'll start 👇
Thanks for a great week!
— Women in Statistics and Data Science (@WomenInStat) September 18, 2021
Day 1: #LatinxInStat visibility
Day 2: #JuliaLang for DataSci
Day 3: #Reproducibility & computing practices
Day 4: Sci comm practices
Day 5: The in-betweenness of interdisciplinary stat
On our last day, let's open the floor to connect as community
Thank you all for a great week @WomenInStat!
— Women in Statistics and Data Science (@WomenInStat) September 19, 2021
Let's keep our #LatinxInStat and #LatinxInDataSci community connected! I will initiate the creation a database for us all in coordination with @_Rob_Santos and @AmstatNews. Stay tuned (and patient, it might be slow)!
Gracias 😊
Gracias ClubEcoEvo Latinoamérica por la invitación a dar una platica (en español) de mi investigación: YouTube
- Two talks at JuliaCon2021 from the lab:
- PhyloNetworks.jl led by me
- Bayesian Network Regression led by Sam Ozminkowski
Thanks GROW magazine for featuring me in an article in the Summer 2021 edition!
Thanks WID for featuring me in the #WomenHistoryMonth 1-minute chats on YouTube
Thank you for inviting me to join the Editorial Board of Phylogenetics, Phylogenomics, and Systematics as Review Editor for Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
- The Solis-Lemus lab helped plant 5 trees by holding lab meetings in whereby in February!

Short tutorial for WI Fast Stats on YouTube
Julia workshop for Data Science co-organized with Doug Bates for the 2021 Data Science Research Bazaar on February 10th, 2021. GitHub
Thanks to Casey Dunn for inviting me to participate in his code conversations! Here is the YouTube link
Student poll during my phylogenetic class: what software have you used? (January 26, 2021)

The SNaQ paper (Solis-Lemus et al, 2017) was included in the PLOS Genetics Top 10% curated collection!
Julia workshop for Data Science organized by CIMAT on October 26-27, 2020. Thank you Leticia Ramirez for inviting me! Details here
Thank you Cedarburg Public library for inviting me to give a talk at the NEA Big Read: Ozaukee County 2020
Excited to see my project summary in the list of 2020 awards for the DOE Computational Tool Development for Integrative Systems Biology Data Analysis here and awards brochure PDF here
We are launching El Zoominario! Thanks eCALS for the news to advertise it!
Recruiting a postdoc! Details here. To apply, send me an email with CV, short research statement (<=1 page), and github username. Subject “Postdoc application”.
Grateful to receive DOE award for computational biology tools! See the WID News. I will be recruiting a postdoc soon!
Thanks for the invitation to give a talk at the 1st virtual meeting of Systematics, Biogeography and Evolution (SBE) on phylogenetic networks. See talk here
Thank you to Deisy Angarita and Andres Cuervo from Universidad Nacional de Colombia for inviting me to their phylogenetics class (via zoom)!
Congratulations to Zhaoyi Zhang for winning the Hilldale Faculty/Undergraduate Research Fellowship of UW-Madison!
Honored to have been elected to become part of the SSB Council! My 3-year term as Council member will start on January 2021
Thanks to Mackenzie Krumme for the article about me at the Wisconsin Alumni Association website
Excited to join the Badger Talks
Thanks eCALS for my new faculty profile
Launching my Wisconsin Institute for Discovery website